20 research outputs found

    DECOMOBIL Roadmap for research on Human Centred Design of ICT for clean and safe mobility. Deliverable 2.2

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    The scientific seminar on 'Roadmap of Information & Communication Technology design for clean and efficient multimodal mobility' organized by Ifsttar in the framework of the European project DECOMOBIL, has been held the 28th of May 2013 in Munich, Germany. The aims of the event were to overview perspectives of research in the domain of ICT and green transport, with presentation of the main key issues, the on-going major projects, some outstanding results and the scientific and technical lacks of knowledge to overcome, in order to debate about future steps to follow to reach identified and consensual objectives in this domain. Speakers have been identified as key experts in the ecomobility research areas, with diversified points of view and approaches, in order to give to the audience a holistic vision of this issue. During this seminar, an overview of European projects on ecomobility such as eCoMove, compass4D, Adasis, Amitran, has been provided. Experience gained from the iMobility WG on ICT for clean and efficient mobility, which aims providing a vision on eco-friendly mobility, has been presented. Priorities for road safety research in Europe have been defined through the presentation of the PROS project, and transport cross-modal considerations on safety and human factors have been discussed through the presentation of the EXCROSS project. Perspectives on Powered-Two-Wheels contribution to ecomobility in addition to sustainable driving/riding training for a safe and cost efficient behavior have been drawn. Finally, main issues related to design, integration and safety of mobile service for ecomobility and concept of cooperative services have been presented and discussed.A round table allowed the audience to interact in a fruitful way with all the speakers of the day.After summarizing the context linked to ecomobility at a European level, this report gathers a summary of each presentation in addition to the full set of slides displayed at the seminar.Furthermore, all the presentations (slides and video recordings of the speakers) are available for downloading on the DECOMOBIL website http://decomobil.humanist-vce.eu/Downloads.html Document type: Repor

    DECOMOBIL Human Centred Design for Safety Critical Transport Systems. Deliverable 3.6

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    The scientific seminar on 'Human Centred Design for Safety Critical Transport Systems' organized in the framework of DECOMOBIL has been held the 8th of September 2014 in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted by ADI/ISG. The aims of the event were to present the scientific problematic related to the safety of the complex transport systems and the increasing importance of human-­centred design, with a specific focus on Resilience Engineering concept, a new approach to safety management in highly complex systems, on knowledge and experience from other transport modes, particularly aviation and space, in which automation processes are accompanied by an increase in safety and security and on the safety of vulnerable road users and its potential link to automation. To close the workshop, an analysis of safety vs. ecomobility highlighting research priorities has been presented to the audience. As a special speaker, Myriam Coulon-­Cantuer, EC Project Officer of the DG Connect, presented the view of the EC on the future research challenges for ICT and transport. Document type: Repor

    Quand le smartphone modifie la donne

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    Le « smart » phone devient de plus en plus « intelligent », et son usage se répand auprès des voyageurs et des conducteurs qui apprécient d'être informés en tout lieu et à tout moment. Dans ce contexte où les services mobiles dédiés au transport se multiplient, une question se pose : Les apports positifs en termes d'écomobilité et de confort sont-ils contrebalancés par des retombées négatives en termes de sécurité routière

    Human Centred Design of a smart phone alert application for drivers

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    European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems, VIENNE, AUTRICHE, 05-/06/2014 - 06/06/2014Smart phone applications developed to support driving task could be powerful tools to contribute to drivers' safety, eco-mobility and comfort, by allowing real time and quick widespread of critical road information, using geo-location and social networking. Furthermore, downloading smart phone applications is easily accessible at low cost for the drivers. Nevertheless, several issues such as distraction linked to the use of smart phone while driving and reliability of the transmitted information might be critical. In this framework, a survey has been conducted in order to evaluate drivers' usability and acceptability of a collaborative mobile service related to critical road events alert. This analysis showed that drivers are more confident in information displayed by the mobile service than any other sources of road alerts such as radio and variable message signs. Furthermore, senior drivers were motivated to use the mobile service, with a main concern dealing with road safety, and senior participation to the social network in order to generate information to the community was important even if their mileage was lower than younger drivers. Only few drivers recognized some interference with the driving task while using the application. Real road experiments would need to be conducted to evaluate positive versus negative impact of mobile services use while driving

    Acquisition d'une habilete motrice en relation avec son degre de preparation : approche multidimensionnelle

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    SIGLECNRS T 58050 / INIST-CNRS - Institut de l'Information Scientifique et TechniqueFRFranc

    Evaluation of the driver's mental workload: a necessity in a perspective of in-vehicle system design for road safety improvement

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    Subjective measures of mental workload allow 'evaluation' rather than 'measurement', by establishing relative comparison between situations, and producing global and even "crude" criterion. Nevertheless, it is a powerful and easy to use tool, allowing detecting changes such as resource allocation that would be impossible to identify by direct observation. The methods of workload evaluation are diversified, with, nevertheless, a high infatuation for the subjective evaluation tool, and more specifically the NASA-TLX, with certainly a possible Matthew effect in addition to the willingness for the researchers to be congruent with the other studies conducted in the area. This paper discusses and debates upon the robustness, adaptation and reliability of existing tools, techniques and procedures for subjective mental workload evaluation such as the DALI for the driving context and the RALI for the riding context

    Ergonomie de la conduite automobile. In: Ergonomie, Travail, Conception, Santé

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    La conduite automobile est un domaine de recherche où l’activité en ergonomie a été intense et riche au cours de ces 50 dernières années. Dans ce contexte, l’objectif de ce texte n’est pas, bien entendu, d’effectuer une revue exhaustive de ces recherches, mais plutôt d’apporter au lecteur des éléments resitués dans le temps permettant d’esquisser quelques problématiques et temps forts qui ont marqué cette thématique. Les concepts et méthodologies développés en ergonomie des situations de travail ont constitué une base solide sur laquelle s’est construite l’approche dédiée à l’étude ergonomique de la conduite automobile, comme le montrent quelques références citées, mais les ergonomes spécialisés dans ce domaine ont également créé leurs propres théories et outils adaptés à la spécificité de ce contexte. Pour que ce qui concerne les recherches faites en France, les chercheurs appartenaient ou appartiennent principalement à des équipes relevant de l'ONSER 1, de l'INRETS, ou de constructeurs d'automobiles (Renault, PSA), parfois associés dans le cadre de programmes de recherche européens, avec éventuellement des participations universitaires ponctuelles. Si notre exposé est centré sur les recherches concernant les conducteurs automobiles, n'oublions pas, dans le cadre global de l'ergonomie automobile, les études et réalisations d'ergonomie portant sur les véhicules (véhicules légers, poids - lourds et bus), en termes de sécurité et de confort (sièges, éclairage, ceintures, affichages de tableau de bord, commandes diverses, instruments d'assistance, etc.) et sur les infrastructures routières (signalisation, péages, vitesse, etc.), ainsi que, chez les constructeurs, les études d'ergonomie de la fabrication des véhicules (pénibilité, amélioration des conditions de travail, organisation de l'ingénierie, etc.), et plus récemment de leur réparation aide au diagnostic de pannes, etc.

    Drivers' needs and acceptability of a mobile road alert service based upon social networking

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    9th European Intelligent Transport Systems, DUBLIN, IRLANDE, 04-/06/2013 - 07/06/2013Social networking in transport could be a powerful tool to contribute to drivers' safety and comfort, by allowing quick widespread of critical road information through 'driver-generated content'. This communication process, based upon application downloaded by smartphone, is easily accessible with a low cost. Nevertheless, several issues such as reliability of the transmitted information with resulting level of drivers' trust, and level of members' participation, might be critical. A survey has been conducted in order to evaluate drivers' needs and acceptability of this type of service. Results showed that the very high level of participation is not motivated by stars rewarding, but rather by pragmatic willingness to make the system working in addition to a more social aspect such as solidarity with the community. Senior drivers are also motivated to use the service, with a main concern dealing with road safety, and to generate information even if they have a lower mileage


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